速報APP / 美妝造型 / Stylist Customer

Stylist Customer





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




Stylist Customer(圖1)-速報App

“Stylist app” is a platform where various stylists can set up their services over this app. They can manage their booking through this app. Customers of this app can make an appointments over this app and they can choose their desired time and date within it. The Stylists can manage their appointments, services and sub categories through this app.

Stylist Customer(圖2)-速報App

The primary purpose of the ”Stylist app” for customers to allow to search and find service provide according to their needs.

Stylist Customer(圖3)-速報App

Customer can book and pay stylists.

Stylist Customer(圖4)-速報App

Customers will select their required service category and subcategory, and then it will be presented with a list of stylists that service, and the associated price that each stylist charges for the selected service.

Stylist Customer(圖5)-速報App

Upon selecting a particular stylist, the customer will be able to contact the stylist.

Stylist Customer(圖6)-速報App

After completion of the service the customer is able to review the stylist.

Stylist Customer(圖7)-速報App

Stylists will be able to set schedule, and manage new requests.

Stylist Customer(圖8)-速報App

Stylist will build profiles that will be displayed in the app, with their skills, expertise, etc.

Stylists will list fixed and hourly rates for the services they offer.

The stylist will receive service requests in real time.

Upon accepting, either the stylists leaves to perform the service (on demand requests), or the particular request is added to the calendar (scheduled requests).

Once the service has been performed, the stylist is able to rate and review the customer.